If you are going to live, study or work in Barcelona and you want to learn Spanish, come and study at Escuela Mediterraneo Barcelona.
Spanish course A1
4 hours a week
Monday and Wenesday
from 13h to 15h
from March 13 to June 28 or from March 13 to April 5

Escuela Mediterraneo Barcelona Spanish school in one minute
hi..l am interested in your spanish courses…l am planing to attend your school this year..but l havent decided the exact date yet…and l need a comfortable accomodation too..l am a multi language teacher..l speak english,french,german fluently..spanish and italian medium level.. would you please let me know the all included price(school…accomodation.. a room included WC and shower with breakfast and dinner..) for 4 weeks in between 15 june-15 july 2017..
Thanks for advance
Thank you for your message and interest in our school. Please, text us here info@escuelamediterraneo.com
Best regards,
Dept. Adm.